Friday, November 11, 2011

A photo of me in 2009, superimposed on a photo of my mom in 1976.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Is Our Solar System a Double Star System?

The asteroid behavior seems to provide evidence.

There is speculation in the astronomy field whether our solar system is actually a double star system, with the Sun's twin, Tyche, being a Brown Dwarf star. Apparently about half of all stars are part of binary system - the rest are singles, and a few triples and quads. Reputable journalism on NASA report on Tyche-- new Kuiper/Oort gas giant or Brown Dwarf Star? (closer than thought now, WISE doing infrared scans, but results aren't fully released). Explains Pluto and Sedna's erratic orbits and also the "shearing" observable at the far edge of the solar system (as expected in Binary Solar system's edge collisions).

Here is a report:

And a YouTube video that is somewhat questionable, but has some good graphics and explanations of how a binary star system effects it's twin star. The current theory is that our planets orbit around "our Sun" and the other sun, which is a non-visible brown dwarf star (like a huge planet) is on another orbit, somewhat like a comet, that enters our system every 24,000 to 26,000 years.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Occupy Wall Street - Art & Culture Meeting


Mark Bain, a sound artist has created this image based on the audio file of the seismological data record during the collapse of the twin World Trade Centers on 9/11. He produced this image for the 10 year anniversary of the event.